Final Fantasy Cheats Game Genie

Here are the Game Genie codes that I have devised for N.E.S. games,collected from various pages of Crude ASCII Maps.

Final Fantasy 2 Snes Cheats Game Genie


Game Genie Codes Final Fantasy

The Bard's TaleATSOOZOLTake no damage in battle.
ENVPYTLEInfinite magic in battle.
CrystalisALOOPPEIEnemies have no element immunities.Crystalis abounds with useful Game Genie codes, but it lacked this one.
Final FantasyATXXYTEZTake no harm from physical attacks.Final Fantasy already had scores of Game Genie codes,but none that would do this.
AEXUIZLANo monster special attacks.This includes magic attacks.Physical attacks may still cause status ailments.
AGOAPATAWooden staff does 64 damage.
Final Fantasy IIAAUZLGLANo monster special attacks.Physical attacks may still cause status ailments.
Final Fantasy IIINNXOLYEEEnemies take no action.They just sit there while you hit them.
Kid IcarusSZUIKLSANo ordinary damage.
SKXGUYVGNo damage from floor hazards.
SZSLAPSANo damage from Medusa.
Legend of ZeldaAEOANAEGFewer monsters.
AEVATVAANo zolas.In Zelda 64 they arecalled Zoras.
AOEUYTEYNo darkened rooms.
ZAVEIVXYBlue ring costs 2 rupies.
ZPOPTLYOLink has green hair in overworld.These codes are frivolous.
TLOEKYAKPlay one note flat in overworld music.
SLKEUVSYArmos Statue has 6 spots on shield.
KUOZSPKKChange trees into gravestones.
ATOXPYGNFill dungeons with sand.
(Earthbound Zero)
YEVLSYIAInvulnerability.Do not use this code while fighting R7038.It must wipe out your party to advance the game.
Ninja Gaiden
(Shadow Warrior)
SXXVYPSAInfinite energy.
WillowOLSNPKOONever lose HP or MP.A killing hit will still kill you.This is unlikely to happen after you gain a few levels.

Final Fantasy VI Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window. Final Fantasy VI Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window.

Last revised 2018-09-22.

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Final Fantasy 1 Nes Cheats Game Genie

Find all our Final Fantasy X Game Shark Codes for PlayStation 2. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. Game Genie codes Warning, if you are entering any of the Game Genie codes for the first time, enter them VERY early in the game. There are three or four versons on the game so some of them might not work or do something bad (One person tryed some codes when the game had been played for over 100 hours. The game got erased.). Final Fantasy IV Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window.