Pretentious Game Armor Games Cheats

  1. Pretentious Game 3 Walkthrough
  2. Pretentious Game Armor Games Cheats Code
  3. Pretentious Game 34
  4. Pretentious Game Armor Games Cheats Pc

Dec 26 2018 5:09 PM

This games made simple with --


Jun 24 2018 10:02 PM

Note: monsters cannot move diagonally.


Jun 21 2018 1:25 AM

Here is a cheat that I haven't confirmed to be true... If your enemy uses the 'freeze' spell on you and an enemy that attacks everything comes near, it won't see you until the spell wears off! (kind of like the sneak spell)


Jun 21 2018 1:17 AM

~Forever Lasting Shields - the shield no monster can penetrate~ This shield will protect you while you heal. Simply back yourself up in an area surrounded with trees, bushes, rocks, ect: with two or fewer openings. Make your pet stay in the opening while you lure a monster near. Make sure it is in the opening of the area you have chosen. Kill it and the item recieved will block future monsters. For areas with more than one opening repeat this with the other opening.


Jun 20 2018 4:22 AM

~~Pet Guild!~~ -Your first pet will NEVER appear again if it dies. (the green one with one eye) -There are three pet foods (like there are three character healing items). -They are Heals: wild berries 20hp island fruit 60hp raw meat 150hp -To level up a new pet quickly, just tell you pet to stay in a SAFE place and go fight! Your pet gets the same experience you do! Sprint Boots ~ This makes YOU move faster, not your pet!


Jun 20 2018 4:04 AM

~Accessories Guide!~ You can buy accessories at the Black Smith on the fourth button. I don't use them because I think of them as 'inventory clutter'. It is very easy to fill up your inventory with shells, eyes, shards, and more. I can do without! Ring of Might ~ Gives you 5% more strength. You can check your strength in the stats window. It looks like a blue person walking under the attacks and abilities rows. It can be useful if your -just- not at that level yet. Example: 406, 388, 422 damage turning into 455, 439, 468 Arcane Pin ~ Increases magic damage by 5% - I don't know anyone who uses this! If your a spell caster all the way then maybe... Fortune Medallion ~ 'Increases the amount of money enemies' If you rather have money than quest items. Sprint Boots ~ This makes YOU move faster, not your pet!


Jun 20 2018 3:24 AM

Here are some hints/tips: Game Tips: There is no real ending to this game!


Jun 20 2018 3:20 AM

Here are some hints/tips: Game Tips: Don't quickly run through a new place (whether it be Castaway Beach or Magma Crater); instead, get to know the place one area at a time so you know it like the back of your hand. My instinct is to do that, so I was surprised when people commented saying, 'I'm wandering in circles'. 1) There are no circles. One way to get there, one way back. There's just extra rooms for hunting single species. 2) If you don't know where the generator is, your not powerful enough or experienced enough to get to it without dying or going through a million healing items.


Jun 20 2018 3:07 AM

Here are some hints/tips: Game Tips: The better the pet found in the wild (skeleton warrior better than swamp mutant), the higher the health will be at that level (Lvl 15 Swamp Mutant has a higher health than a level 25 scorpion).


Jun 20 2018 3:01 AM

Here are some hints/tips: Game Tips: -If a pet dies you can always refresh the page -zzzz139 preys on noobs -ice shards sell for good money (2500gp) -pets appear half the level that they were in the wild when you hatch them! -The Fire Blade you get from a mage quest is useless -However, the ice blade is worth it (even though it does less damage than the meat cleaver, it casts 'freeze' so you can sell those pricey ice shards!) -'Lightning' spell only stuns for .5 seconds!


Jun 17 2018 5:51 PM

if your first pet dies, press keys 9967f in the castaway beach, and you will get him back.


Jun 17 2018 5:50 PM

If you complete shadow shard quest, but before you get back to submit it, if you die it will still save half the quest.

#1 narutofan

Jun 8 2018 11:52 AM

go beat up grass bettals on grass to get grass bettal shell kill poisin snake or scorpin on whatever to get what u need


Nov 30 -0001 12:00 AM

eat s***

Kongregate free online game Pretentious Game - My Ludum Dare 23 Entry Theme is Tiny World Made in less than 48 hours. Play Pretentious Game.

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  3. Vampire The Masquerade – Redemption game cheats: Then press ~ in the game to open the console, and enter the following password: effect Cheats Turn on cheats mode god 1 Change the humanity level (only valid in multiplayer mode) humanity 0-100 Exit cheats mode god 0 Unlimited ammo freeammo Add experience (selected role) xp number Add.
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Pretentious Game 3 Walkthrough

Vampire The Masquerade – Redemption game cheats:

Pretentious Game Armor Games Cheats Code

Pretentious Game Armor Games Cheats

Open the cheats method:

Use the -console command line to start the game (eg: C:Vampirevampire.exe -console) to start the game.

Then press ~ in the game to open the console, and enter the following password:

Pretentious Game 34

Turn on cheats modegod 1
Change the humanity level (only valid in multiplayer mode)humanity 0-100
Exit cheats modegod 0
Unlimited ammofreeammo
Add experience (selected role)xp [number]
Add money cheatscash [number]
Full blood (can be used after death)revive
You can cast spells without spending bloodfreecasting
All special abilities plus # gridaddalldisciplines #
Manufactured itemsaddthing [物品名]
Money Reduction Cheatsdropcash [number]
Turn off AIai
Open your own boxvault
Show site informationtotals
Show the upgrade windowadvancement
Display frameframerate 1
Hidden frameframerate 0
Set the maximum number of frames per secondmaxfps [framerate]
Transformation (for example, #为bat becomes a bat)shapeshift #
Deformation returned to normalshapeshift
Freeze the action, but you can move aroundfreeze
Sort inventory items; vault can also be usedpack
Body fixationstakme
Hurt yourselfdamage me
Make the protagonist run wildfrenzyme
Pause the gamepause
Continue the gameresume
Show closing captionendgame
Attack such as fire, gasemit #
Jump off such as “Jump Monastery2” or “Jump Monastery2 1”jump [关卡名]
Got the bullet?shell
Set up team membersteam

Pretentious Game Armor Games Cheats Pc
