Zelda Link To The Past Cheats Game Genie

The Legend of Zelda – Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for The Legend of Zelda on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). AVVLAUSZImmune to damage from any source YYKPOYZZCreate a new character with 8 Life Hearts NYKPOYZXCreate a new character with 16 Life Hearts SZVXASVKDo not lose Rubies when buying things SZVXASVK. This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Zelda: A Link to the Past (USA, Australia). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use these codes.

Infinite energy

Some enemies can't move

Walk up a screen, and you can walk all over at the top.

Everything except you and the enemies are black, even your hearts.

Enemies in shop, enemies in top corner outside and some enemies are stuck in the Laburnums NOTE: If their is an 'o' next to the code it means it will only work with the old version of Zelda. You can tell if you have an old version when you die and it says Continue, Save, Retry and nothing else. If you have the new version it will also have a red box that says Hold in the Reset button when you turn off the power. If there is an '?' next to the code, the code has not been tested on both versions of the game.

Touch wall and a ghost will appear

Brings up castle subscreen at all times

Puts you on beginning screen

Walk around and fire sword, you will get stuff on location--?

Infinite money--?

all enemies in game are falling rocks

Start game at the top left corner of map

Walk through walls in castles. Use the whistle to get to a castle.

Walk through walls, trees, and water in the overworld. Don't enter caves; if you do you will not be able to get out.

Press the B button to use weapons you do not have. When using this code you must have no weapons. You may have to press the B button several times.

Start with 24 bombs

Start with the potion

Start with the wand

Start with the meat

Start with the whistle

Start with a green candle

Start with the bow

Start with a very strong arrow. (This arrow can't kill Ganon so of you want to pass the game don't use this code)

Start with 24 keys

Start with 24 coins

Money goes up once in a while

Forms new entrance when you leave a cave


Different stuff in caves

Secret entrances are open. (you can't kill the snake in the last level with this code)

Meat comes out of shooting sword

Rooms are split in half, you might be able to find things, like Hearts.

Walk when you usually can't

Link is different colors

Change castle

Rapid B button is on, walk through some enemies

Wall changes into rock man when you touch it

Speed writing

Brings up castle subscreen at all times

  • Aquire Invisibility Cape Early

There is a way to get the Magic Cape right after you get the Hammer in the Palace of Darkness(Dark World's 1st dungeon). In the graveyard in the Light World you'll notice there are dark colored rocks with the number 8 on the them surrounding a tombstone, but if you go to the same place in the dark world you can cut down a flower and dash into a pile of rocks that usually reveals a red ruby(worth 20 rubies). In this place you need to use your Magic Mirror north of the rock pile. If you've done this right you can circumvent the dark colored rocks in the Light World. Genie
Note: You need to use the Magic Transprter between the Kakariko Village and the Lost Woods to reach this location.
  • Chris Houlihan room

Start at the Sanctuary and run south with the Pegasus Shoes until you are outside. Then, run south and stop before you hit the barrier. Proceed to run west until you are able to run south. When you run south, you should be in a wooded area with guards. Navigate this area and find the entrance to the castle grounds. While still running, go around the castle grounds to the hole where you fall into at the beginning of the game. If you did it right, you should be in a room with 45 blue rupees and a Saharasla sign that says: 'My name is Chris Houlihan' and 'Let's keep this between you and me.' Sometimes when you are fighting Gannon, you may fall into a hole and this may happen.
  • Death Mountain Descent

Death Mountain Descent will allow you to explore all of Dark World without obtaining the third pendant, the Master Sword, or defeating Agahnim.
First, you'll want to get the Moon Pearl out of the Tower of Hera. That's necessary unless you want to stay as a bunny the entire time. Once you've acquired it, exit the dungeon. Now hop in the teleporter just outside the Tower of Hera and go to Dark World. Hop down the cliff, and make your way to the right. Go to where the broken bridge used to be in Light World.
Now stand right under the top statue, as far against the wall and statue as you can get. Mirror to Light World. This is the tricky part, you must move ONE PIXEL to the right. No more, no less. If you don't do it correctly, you have to start all over. After you've moved, wait until you get teleported back to Dark World. You should be ONE PIXEL closer to the ledge now. Now DON'T MOVE! If you move, you will have to start over again. Mirror back to Light World.
Now walk to the right until you're stopped by the bridge post. Wait until you stop flashing, and hold down the B button until your sword charges up, while still facing right. SLOWLY move backwards into the sparkly teleporter. If you don't do this slow enough, the trick won't work. When you teleport, if you don't get teleported back to Light World, you did the trick correctly. Now press right to jump off the cliff into the black stuff. Make your way around the black stuff and to the bottom of the screen.
Go down one screen and you'll be on top of a cliff in Dark World. Hop off the cliff and you're now allowed to explore Dark World! If everything is glitchy, enter a cave, then exit and things will be normal looking.
  • Free Green Potion

Throw an empty bottle into the fountain at the Waterfall of Wishing. The faerie who appears will give you a free green potion.
  • Hookshot invulnerability

Anytime you have the Hookshot equipped, if any enemy or projectile comes to attack you, use the Hookshot, and while the Hookshot is extended, the attack will go right through you, and you will take no damage.
  • The Lost Woods with Dark World Enemies

In the Dark World, go and stand EXACTLY where the mushroom is in the Light world(Somewhere in the Skull Dungeon). When you use the Magic Mirror to go back to the Light World,not only will you get the Mushroom but the trees will be glitched and you'll be able to fight some of the monsters that are only in the Dark World! When you leave the forest, everything will go back to normal.


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